you wanna know if we're a good fit? well, if you like cats, wine, and mexican food i'd say we're a perfect match.

photography is not just a job to me. the fact that i have the opportunity to make new friends, spend time with you in your most precious moments, capture moments for you to share, and establish long-standing relationships inspires me. i fully commit to taking your photos- this includes placing your hands and feet into position or even crawling on the ground to get the perfect shot. i am dedicated until we capture the moment. photography has always captured my interest; i started messing around with my grandmother's cameras once I was a teenager and was lucky enough to be a part of an incredible photo & graphics department that helped me continue developing until I graduated high school.

i'm a '90s baby and was born and raised in Oregon! i have never been good at sitting still so i have always worked at least two jobs. along with photography, i am currently a dance teacher at my hometown studio that i grew up in. if you count the years i attended there + the years i have been a teacher, you're looking at 16 years. i teach hip hop to kiddos of all ages. me and my (huge) orange kitty named stu live in a little studio apartment in the salem area. you may see my boyfriend matt hanging around at your shoots as well; we love to adventure and explore new places in OR. the eastern side of the state is definitely our favorite!

photography is my passion and it is who i am. i hope we can be a good fit <3


Amanda & Troy

“We're so glad we found Sydney! We eloped at the bottom of the North Falls and Sydney captured the whole experience! She was happy to meet us on location sight unseen and hiked up the trails with us snapping candids along the way. Every moment she captured that day is breathtaking, and we get compliments on our wedding photos any time we show them off!
Sydney is so personable and talented. The turn around time was also very fast which was amazing for anxious newlyweds. I recommend 10/10.”

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